Reflection: Thing 23 of 23

This is the end….

So this is it. Blog post 23. We have seen so much. Been through so much. So what did I learn from it all? Well, I did learn that very much a part of “generation internet” though perhaps one of its eccentric geriatrics. I remember so much dead tech now…
The folks at 23 things gave me a list of useful questions to ponder, so I should probably use those to avoid descending into a rambling, borderline incoherent train of thought. 
*choo choo*

6 Questions About the 23 Things

  • Were there Things that you particularly enjoyed?
    • Exploring different tools and ways of looking at things
    • Going “off piste” and finding solutions that were better tailored to my own user needs
    • Making a weird flappy bird game. Even if I hate flappy bird.
  • Was there a Thing has has either had something in it that surprised you, or one you particularly enjoyed?
    • I found the material on diversity and accessibility really stimulating. Good to see a broader view being endorsed. 
    • I also really enjoyed the coding games. I am looking to get my kids into that sooner rather than later!
  • Have you been reading the community blogs? How did you find the blogging aspect of the course?
    • I find blogging a bit of a strange discipline, but kept up with it because it is nice to have somewhere to share my enthusiasm for the Eurovision Song Contest and my poetry. 
    • When reading the other community blogs, I feel I may not have been taking everything quite seriously enough and that I am a bit cynical. Though maybe that is more my style as opposed to a flaw in my blogging….
  • Did you have any difficulties completing the Things?
    • Yes. Yes I did. Sometimes due to my security stance (no using Flash!), sometimes due to some of the recommended tools no longer being as well supported and sometimes because I am just a cranky so and so (see my rant about dubsmash not actually being dubbing)
  • If you were to do a course like this again is there anything you would change, or additional support you would like to see?
    • I would attend more of the live chats and try to push the community aspects a bit more. It’s a tricky thing to do, but some people work better as part of a wider unit.
  • If you wrote a blog post at the beginning on what you hoped to gain out of the 23 Things course, looking back on the post do you feel you achieved those goals?
    • I did not. If you know me by now, you’ll know that I do not plan my blog posts amazingly well and prefer to roll with the chaos. 

Finally, Thank You

A big thanks to the 23 Things Team and to my readers (you strange creatures you). It has definitely been a bit of a journey but one I do not regret in the least. 
Long Live the 23 Things!